Friday, January 15, 2010

Belly Buttons

Perhaps some of you out there are familiar with the term "pimping" as it relates to medical students? For those who are unfamiliar, it is not what you think it is. Basically, whenever one of us students is asked some medically related question by one of our attending physicians we say we are getting "pimped." Why do we say this? I have no idea. I've yet to make the connection. I have accepted the terminology, however, and it has become a part of my vocabulary. 

One of my Attendings is addicted to pimping (in the sense described above), especially during surgical procedures. So, being the studious guy that I am, I decided to study up on some anatomy before going into an umbilical hernia repair. As we began the procedure I was expecting lots of very difficult questions to start flying at me. In the past I have received such jewels as "What oncogene is responsible for MEN type 2a?" and "Tell me every cause of hypercalcemia." As I brace myself to recite all the layers of muscle in the abdomen he says the following:

Attending: "Are you ready for your first question?"
Me: "Yes, Sir."
Attending: "Tell me every name you know for the belly button."
Me: "Um..."
Attending: (pointing at scrub nurse) "Don't help him! I want him to think!"
Me: "Navel? Umbilicus?"
Attending: "That's all you know? What about Bebo?"

Bebo? So much for studying. I give up.


  1. Ah PIMPing. My girlfriend is a third year, and I hear about it constantly. I guess it's derived from "Put In My Place."

  2. Finally! That makes sense. Now I can tell my whole class.

  3. Check out: JAMA. 2009;301(13):1379-1381 (doi:10.1001/jama.2009.247)

    The Art of Pimping by Allan S. Detsky. Look back at the pimping of medical students through the years and common methods of dealing with it.
