Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Moving On

Family Medicine. The "who the hell knows what is coming in next" specialty (second to emergency I suppose). My first day on family went a little something like this:

Medical Student: Hello 75-year-old lady! Lets talk about what kind of exercises you have been doing since we saw you last.
Patient: Huh? Are you kidding? The only exercise I want to do is at night in the bedroom.
Medical Student: I wish you didn't look like my grandma

Hour later...

Medical Student: Hello super stressed out angry guy! What brings you into the office today?
Patient: My wife is bipolar, has scleroderma and addicted to oxycontin.
Medical Student: (practicing his empathy) I'm so sorry to hear that. That must be really stressful for you.
Patient: Look at these pictures I took of her on my phone of her passed out on the floor.
Medical Student: I wish you hadn't shown me that.

Oh what joys will come next!?!

1 comment:

  1. my patient's mother brought in a picture of her son's blue poop to prove that something was worng with him. I can testify that it was indeed blue poop but upon further questioning I am suspicious of the giant packet of laughy taffy he ate the day before (guess which color is his favorite)
